Grounds Of Chartwell Are Opened To The The Public. #3

by Retro Images Archive
Grounds Of Chartwell Are Opened To The The Public. #3
Retro Images Archive
Photograph - Photograph
JP/8713. Thousands of people took advantage of the opportunity to see the 82 - acre grounds of Chartwell Manor, Westerham, Kent, the beautiful home of Mr. Winston Churchill , which was opened to the public. The gates were open between 10 a.m and 7 p.m and many visitors came by special coach excursions. Entry fee was 2s and all proceeds went to the Y.W.C.A. of which Mrs. Churchill is Vice President . An open air visitors took tea at tables under striped umbrellas. Most of the attendants , stewards and guides were volunteers. Although visitors were not able to got into the house , they got excellent views of it from the grounds.
April 29th, 2014
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