British Troops In Cyprus Issued With Batons And Shields - Replacing Their Rifles As Anti-riot Waepons.

by Retro Images Archive
British Troops In Cyprus Issued With Batons And Shields - Replacing Their Rifles As Anti-riot Waepons.
Retro Images Archive
Photograph - Photograph
Following the Statement by the Governor of Cyprus - FIELD MARSHAL SIR JOHN HARDING - the British troops - last Battalion South Stafford Regiment have been issued with metal shields (Dustbin lids) and time in the history of the British Army that Tommy Atkins has had to lay down his rifle and bayonet for a stick and a dustbin lid.. PHOTO SHOWS: Men of the South Stafford Regt. With their shields and batons - inspected by their company commander CAPT. J.F.H. CEREMONY of Hampstead, London.. at Waynes keep Minor Barracks, Nicosia..
April 27th, 2014
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