New Pilot Training School. Instruction In Jet Aircraft Control.

by Retro Images Archive
New Pilot Training School. Instruction In Jet Aircraft Control.
Retro Images Archive
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The new pilot-training scheme of the Royal Air Force - known as provost-Vampire Sequence, under which police qualify for their wings on jet aircraft is now under full operation. Pupils first enter No. 6. Flying Training School, at ternhill, Shropshire, where a 30 weeks course is taken. They are taught to fly Provost is characteristically like the Vampire Jet. On Passing out at Ternhill students then go on to No. 5. Flying Training School at Oakington, Gambridgeshire for a further 30 weeks training on the Vampite T.II a aide-by-side jet trainer, At the end of this course they finally obtain their wings. This new scheme reduces training to two types of aircraft and reduces wastage, both in cost and time on the production of jet pilots. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS:- Twin Aeting pilot officers RICHARD (left) and WILLIAM LANGWORTHY (19) who come from Exmouth, Devon - and who are pupils at the Vampire training School at Oakington - make pals with “NYMROD” the Station Boxer mascot - who is Wquipped which his own “Mae West”.
April 27th, 2014
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