Sweden’s Answer To Twiggy Meets The Genuine Article.

by Retro Images Archive
Sweden’s Answer To Twiggy Meets The Genuine Article.
Retro Images Archive
Photograph - Photograph
In Stockholm 800 girls turned up for a competitions to find a Mark Two TWIGGY. And no sooner had the judges to find a Mark Two TWIGGY. And no sooner had the judges chosen 16-year old KERSTIN LINDEERG than she was nicknamed CRIMBY and packed off to London to meet the genuine article. Yesterday the encounter took place. It was immediately clear that Crumby was a good two inches taller than twiggy, but at 33-21-33 she seemed to have the approximately the same unvital statistics. However, they passed for pictures swinging round a lamp post and one or two people loyally commented that you honestly shouldn’t tell them apart. There was only one surprising moment - when crumby announced firmly: “I do not want to be a model. It is nothing to live on.” Twiggy looked rather taken aback. PHOTO SHOWS:- Together in London yesterday - CRUMBY (left), Sweden’s answer to TWIGGY (right)
April 27th, 2014
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