The Republic F-105 Thunder Chief “world’s Most Powerful Fighter-bomber

by Retro Images Archive
The Republic F-105 Thunder Chief “world’s Most Powerful Fighter-bomber
Retro Images Archive
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SLEEK, SAUK, SUPERSONIC: The U.S. Air Force’s latest “Sunday punch” is the supersonic F-105 thunder chief - “world’s most powerful fighter-bomber” - built by Republic Aviation Corporation, Farmingdale, L. I. and slated for service with USAF’S tactical Air Command. The new “century Series” fighter was designed as a complete weapons system and is capable delivering heavy loads of nuclear or conventional weapons internally or externally over great distance at much-faster-than-sound. The single part & Whitney J-75 turbo-jet engine develops 15,000 pounds of thrust, not counting the added power of this after-burner. The thunder chief incorporates many advanced design features such as swept-forward air-intake ducts at the wing roots which inhale air at tremendous speed without “choking” the engine with supersonic shock waves; an area rule or “coke bottle” shaped fuselage; a ventral fin on the bottom of the aft fuselage for greater stability; a one-piece flying tail, and radically different “cloverleaf” speed brakes that from the last 36inches of the fuselage and unfold like the petals of a blossoming flower when operated in flight. The F-105 is equipped for in-flight refueling and has drag chute for slowing down during landing. It is 63 feet long and has a wing span of nearly 35fet. Its speed, armament, rate of climb and service ceiling are still on the secret list.
April 30th, 2014
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